
feed article

18 September 2020

The future of work: ICT professionals

(From ec.europa.eu ) The occupation under investigation in this article is ICT professionals. This covers people that conduct research, plan, design, write, test, provide advice and improve information technology systems, hardware, software and related concepts for specific applications. Key facts Around 3.5 million people were employed as ICT professionals in 2018. . Employment in the occupation grew by just over 29% between 2006 and 2018. . 71% of IT professionals held a high-level qualification in 2018. . 25% of the workforce held a medium-level qualification in 2018. . ICT is a general-...
20 March 2020

The future of work: Hospitality and retail managers

(From ec.europa.eu ) The second occupation under investigation is hospitality and retail managers. This covers people working as hotel and restaurant managers, retail and wholesale trade managers, and managers of other services that include sports, recreation and cultural services. Key facts Around 4.2 million people were employed as hospitality and retail managers in 2018. . Employment in the occupation grew by just over 3% between 2006 and 2018. . Autonomy, creativity and resolution, and the ability to service and attend are the most important tasks and skills for employees in this field...
18 June 2019

5 tips for when you’re starting your career

(From ec.europa.eu ) First impressions count When starting a new job, it’s worth taking the time to get to know the people you’ll be working with from day one. Learning names, faces, skills, experience and interests quickly will help you to develop good working relationships and make collaborative work much easier in the future. Don’t be afraid to ask for help We’re often too stubborn to admit when we need a little help, out of fear of looking weak or a bit silly. But remember, everyone has to start somewhere, and asking for help from your colleagues is an essential part of the learning...
03 May 2017

Raw Materials University Day - 17 May 2017 in Sweden

Published : Wed, 03 May 2017 Event: 17/05 > 17/05/2017 @ Vattenhallen Science Centre The next Raw Materials University Day takes place at the Vattenhallen Science Centre in Lund, Sweden on 17 May. The event aims to raise awareness about i...
20 September 2016

Report on 3D-printing: Current and future application areas, existing industrial value chains and missing competences in the EU

Published : Tue, 20 Sep 2016 This report aims to detect missing capabilities in European regions regarding current and upcoming 3D-printing applications. This will lay the ground for closer cooperation between actors across EU regions to ac...