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20 May 2019

The benefits of volunteering

(From ) The benefits of volunteering Volunteering abroad might sound intimidating to some, but it can be a truly rewarding experience that opens up new possibilities. Here are our top five reasons why we think you should try it! Make a difference Volunteering overseas can be a great way of making a positive impact while supporting a cause that’s important to you. If you’re passionate about nature, you could volunteer by cleaning up beaches or national parks. If you love animals, you might like to volunteer at an animal conservation centre. Or, if you enjoy working with children,...
18 March 2019

EURES Germany organises unique event for aspiring orchestral musicians

(From ) One only needs to look at the names of the musicians in these orchestras to see that the job market for professionals is an international one. With its numerous prestigious music colleges, Germany is also an attractive place to study music. However, the international nature of the industry means that those who study in Germany may need to be open to moving abroad for work. In order to prepare up-and-coming musicians for this possibility as early on in their career as possible, theZAV-Künstlervermittlung(the German Federal Employment Agency’s Placement Service for...
15 December 2016

Conference on ICT professionalism highlights urgent need for evolution of sector

Published : Thu, 15 Dec 2016 On 6 December a high-level conference was held in Brussels on IT professionalism. It underlined the need to further develop the IT profession in the face of rapid change in our societies and economies due to dig...
27 January 2016

First orientation debate on the European Pillar of Social Rights

Today the College of Commissioners held a first orientation debate on establishing a European Pillar of Social Rights. It should be a self-standing reference document, of a legal nature, setting out key principles and values shared at EU level.
09 September 2015

Nanotechnology for a competitive chemical industry

Chemical innovations will continue to play a pivotal role in the future, since they are indispensable to meeting people's basic needs (such as food, health, clothing, housing, energy, communication and nature). Nanotechnology is a key enabling technology ...