Improved regulation of student work in Slovenia and the Romanian draft National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction
Two more Flash Reports prepared by ESPN independent experts on recent social policy developments in Europe are now available.
- Student work has been the most widespread precarious form of employment in Slovenia and the main reason for the segmented labour market, where there are little possibilities for crossing over to another segment of the market. Even though the Act on Student Work has not yet been adopted, student work is now regulated by amendments to the Public Finance Balance Act implemented on 1 February 2015. Following the principle that “any work counts”, full social contributions are now to be paid on student work and the minimum hourly rate has been set at €4.50. By reducing the cost competitiveness of student work, the reform is expected to reduce labour market segmentation.
- The recently proposed draft National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction in Romania builds on a World Bank in-depth analysis of the current welfare configuration and vulnerabilities in Romania and a thorough diagnosis of the institutional capacity of the (sub-)national public administration. While the content of the strategy is carefully aligned to the EU’s “Country Specific Recommendations” and addresses actual gaps in existing policies, its effectiveness might be threatened by a low level of stakeholders’ participation in its design and the possible consequent low level of cooperation in its implementation.
More detailed information on these developments in the Flash Reports.
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