Call of the research programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel 2015



Call summary

The Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) was established in 2002 to support the competitiveness of the European sectors related to the coal and steel industry, building on the legacy of the expired European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty. While complementary to the EU's H2020 Framework Programme, RFCS is managed outside of it and, from a financial point of view, is a unique concept as it uses the yearly interests on the assets of the expired ECSC to fund the research.

Steel and coal remain key areas for the continuous sustainable economic development of Europe and the RFCS programme is fully in line with the scientific, technological and political objectives of the European Union. This includes the general aim of contributing to sustainable development, clean and safe production, protection of the environment, conservation of resources, health and safety aspects as well as improvement of working conditions.

The programme launches every year an annual call for submission of proposals with deadline in September in order to support research projects, pilot and demonstration projects and accompanyig measures for the valorisation of the knowledge gained.