Study published on EU Needs with regard to cooperation with Greenland in the area of raw materials
In June 2012, the European Union and Greenland agreed to cooperate in the area of raw materials supply. A study was therefore commissioned to provide the European Commission with the information required to adequately assess the needs of the EU in this regard, in particular the needs of the EU ‘downstream’ industry.
In this detailed study, the authors examine the potential risks and benefits of cooperation; identify and assess the possible safeguards, policy measures and instruments which could be put in place by the EU; as well as present a number of project ideas. On a broader level, by systematically examining how the EU can practically cooperate on raw materials with a non-EU mineral rich State, the approach might also be used to assess ways to cooperate with other mineral-rich third countries around the world.
The information and views contained in the study are those of the authors as independent experts.