Call for the Expression of Interest - Selection of six Model Demonstrator Regions to receive Advisory Support



This call is addressed to regional organisations interested in developing ambitious strategies to support sustainable chemicals production in Europe. The aim is to attract new investments in industrial projects in the chemicals sector, thereby also contributing to the industry policy objective of raising the GDP share of manufacturing in Europe.


The call also intends to lead to further development of policies, such as those related to circular and low carbon economy, or industrial symbiosis.

Through this call six 'model demonstrator regions' will be selected to receive advisory support services from the European Sustainable Chemicals Support Service. This service will be established by the European Commission through a service contract.

These regions shall show the way towards sustainable chemical production in Europe, by taking advantage of domestically available feedstock such as biomass, waste or CO2. Experiences from this initiative will be shared with other interested European regions, so as to provide practical guidance on how to strengthen cross-sectorial cooperation between chemicals industries and other industries and sectors - notably agriculture, forestry, energy intensive industries, waste management and recycling.

The deadline for submission of the concept note is the 30th of November 2015.

The call document