Aerodays 2015
Aerodays is the European flagship event in Aviation research and innovation taking place once during each EU Research Framework Programme.
The goal is to share achievements of collaborative research and innovation in Aeronautics and Air Transport within Europe and in world-wide international co-operation.
For this edition - in the course of Horizon 2020 the EU Framework Programme 2014-2020 - five key themes based on Europe’s Vision for Aviation ‘Flightpath 2050‘ and subsequent work of ACARE: efficient and seamless mobility; Competitiveness of Industry; Greening of Aviation; Safety & Security; Skills for Breakthroughs.
The programme will consist in plenary and parallel sessions and some additional social events. The last day, October 23 will be dedicated to optional technical visits.
Aerodays is co-organised by the European Commission, the British Department for Business, Innovation & Skills and ADS Group Limited.