Conference: Healthy soils for feeding the planet and for climate change adaptation
To mark the international year of soils 2015, the Directorate General for environment of the European Commission organises a conference on 'healthy soils for feeding the planet and for climate change adaptation'.
This event aims at raising awareness on the importance of healthy soils for a healthy life and to address European and global challenges. At European level, in the General Union environment action programme to 2020, the EU committed to address soil degradation, including by identifying threats to soil.
The conference is strongly embedded into the EXPO 2015's theme 'Feeding the planet, energy for life' and consists of two sessions: the first session addresses the crucial role of soil in climate change adaptation, also in the context of climate change negotiations (UNFCCC COP 21) in Paris in autumn of this year; the second session focuses specifically on the links between healthy soil and food security and agriculture.