Annual convention for inclusive growth 2016
The convention will bring together policy makers and civil society to discuss what the EU can do to ensure that all citizens reap the benefits of truly inclusive growth.
The event will kick off with a discussion on the ‘European pillar of social rights’ initiative and move on to debate in workshops about specific issues that need work if the EU is to deliver sustainable, long-term inclusive growth.
Five morning workshops will tackle the social dimension from different perspectives:
- Active inclusion and inclusive labour market policies.
- Social investment and the European Fund for Strategic Investment.
- Upward social convergence and fighting poverty.
- The social dimension of the European Semester.
- The integration of refugees.
The convention will be opened by the Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, Marianne Thyssen, and by Ms Jetta Klijnsma, Secretary of State for Social Affairs and Employment of the Netherlands.
We will live tweet from the conference from @EU_Social. Follow the debate and join the conversation with the hashtag #ACIG2016!