Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs FPA
Call summary
Scene Setter
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a mobility scheme that allows potential or newly
established entrepreneurs to spend a period of time collaborating with an experienced
entrepreneur in another participating country. These mobility actions aim to help the
entrepreneurs enrich their experiences as well as learn and network with entrepreneurs in
other participating countries. This measure will expand and strengthen the existing network of
Intermediary Organisations (IO) which act as local contact points in participating countries.
The IOs are in charge of recruiting and matching the entrepreneurs and facilitating the
mobility actions. They also promote the programme and its benefits at local and national
Activities to support the network are carried out, including regular meetings with the IOs to
foster networking. A Support Office assists the Commission in the promotion, the
coordination of the IOs' network and the day-to-day support. This measure is a follow-up of
the preparatory action carried out in 2009-2011, under the EIP objective Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Culture in 2012 and 2013 and under COSME in 2014 and 2015.
The interim evaluation of the preparatory action confirmed the added value of this action and
the lack of similar schemes at national level. It also confirms the efficiency of the operational
set up to fulfil the pursued objectives and the quality of the exchanges carried out. The cross72
border nature of the action makes it unique as a way of promoting entrepreneurship and is
directly relevant to a key EU policy objective of internationalisation and helping new and
growing businesses to take advantage of the EU’s Internal Market. Promotion of the benefits
and achievements of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and technical support to users will
be provided.
The initiative will be implemented via Call for Proposals.
Entities can be public or private entities whose core activity is in the field of business support.
The rate of Union co-financing shall be up to 90 % of eligible costs incurred by the IOs. The
European Union contribution shall not exceed 75 % of the programme management costs but
may be up to 100 % of the sum allocated by beneficiaries (IOs) to third parties (sub-grantee.
i.e. new entrepreneurs) participating in a mobility action.
Financial assistance to new entrepreneurs participating in a mobility action shall take the form
of a scale of unit cost of maximum EUR 6 600 per entrepreneur.
Service contract awarded to the “Support Office” which ensures coordination and coherence
of the activities and particularly supports the Intermediate Organisations in their work.