Fight against crime and Terrorism
Please note that an updated version of the H2020 Work Programme 2014-15 was adopted on 17 April and minor changes have been included in section 14. Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens (European Commission Decision C (2015)2453 of 17 April 2015):
- Page 42: the Overall Indicative budget from the 2015 budget and the budget for the topics DRS- 1, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 22 for 2015 are updated.
- Page 110: the footnote 70 is updated in the same way.
- Page 104: topic "DS-7" is added in the Opening Date field and in the 2015 line of the Deadline(s) field table.
Please refer to "call documents".