"Boosting business along the fisheries supply chain": Thessaloniki, Greece 18-20 October 2016
(From webgate.ec.europa.eu)
At the initiative of the European Commission, and with the support of the Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development & Food and the Thessaloniki FLAG, the FARNET Support Unit is organizing its third transnational seminar of the 2014-2020 programming period. The theme of the event will be “Boosting business along the fisheries supply chain” and it is designed to equip Fisheries Local Action Groups with the tools to help local stakeholders tap into opportunities along the fisheries supply chain. In particular, the mix of plenary sessions and working groups will focus on trends and opening up new markets for local fisheries and aquaculture products; linking the private sector with science and research; ensuring direct support is available to local businesses in FLAG areas; and better engaging aquaculture producers and fishermen (especially small scale and coastal) to work in new ways to boost business opportunities. The seminar will be followed by an optional study visit to projects in the Thessaloniki FLAG area.