Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference: one year after the adoption, working together for the future



One year after the adoption of the Circular Economy Package, the Commission is taking stock of progress towards the circular economy.

To showcase the key deliverables achieved so far and to debate future deliverables with stakeholders, the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee are organising a Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference on 9-10 March 2017 in Brussels. The 2-day conference will culminate with the formal launch of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform where its purpose and implementation will be discussed during the second day. 

Background The implementation of multiple measures as set in the Action Plan is on track, and actions announced for this year are to bring even more tangible benefits to Europe and its citizens.

The transition towards a more circular economy brings great opportunities for Europe and its citizens. It's an important part of our efforts to modernise and transform the European economy, shifting it towards a more sustainable direction. There's a strong business case behind it enabling companies to make substantial economic gains and become more competitive. It delivers important energy savings and environmental benefits. It creates local jobs and opportunities for social integration. It is closely interlinked with key EU priorities on jobs and growth, investments, the social agenda and industrial innovation.

More info Press release