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Call for interest: Stakeholder group for a study on resource efficient buildings

29 April 2015

(From )

A call for interest in being a member of the main stakeholder group for the study on Resource Efficient Buildings has been opened. The stakeholder group has been established by DG Environment, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and the Joint Research Centre.

The stakeholder group should focus on a study on the development of a common EU framework of indicators for the environmental performance of buildings.

How to express interest

Expressions of interest in being a member of this group should be submitted by no later than Friday, 8 May by registering via the project website

The objective of the study

The aim of the study is to develop a common EU framework for building environmental performance indicators to drive improvements in both new and refurbished buildings. The study responds to the need identified in the Communication ‘Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector’ COM (2014)445 for a common European approach to assess the environmental performance of buildings throughout their lifecycle, taking into account the use of resources such as energy, materials and water.

Stakeholder groups

DG Environment and DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs will lead development of the framework. The Joint Research Centre, the Commission’s in-house science service, will provide technical support and the Commission will work in close co-operation with relevant stakeholders.

For that purpose different sub-groups of stakeholders will be set up to guide the process at different stages.  You can find out more about the work programme by visiting the project website:

The main group

The main project Stakeholder Group will be composed of:

  • stakeholders representing all aspects of the life cycle of buildings;.
  • standards setters,.
  • policy makers;.
  • independent research bodies.

The group members have to be willing to attend Working Group meetings and to contribute directly with written comments during the ensuing consultation periods. 

For logistical reasons the number of stakeholders in the group will need to be capped at around 50, so to ensure as far as possible a balanced representation within the group, a set of criteria have been drawn up which will be used by the Commission (if the group is oversubscribed) to select the members of the group. 

Apply together!

Because of the limit on the number of participants we would encourage organisations with similar interests to consider nominating a single representative. To see the criteria that will be used to select members of the group if it is oversubscribed, please visit the project website registration page.