Commission seeks views on how to facilitate cross-border provision of services
The European Commission has launched a public consultation today on how to make it easier for service providers to work across the EU.
As announced in the Single Market Strategy, the Commission plans to propose a Services Passport by the end of 2016 to simplify the administrative procedures for service providers who want to expand to other Member States.
Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Commissioner for Internal market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, said: "Services account for two thirds of the EU economy. But the cross-border provision of services in the EU is underdeveloped, in particular in the area of business services – such as accounting and engineering services – and the construction sector. The Services Passport will help services providers big or small overcome administrative complexities. By promoting dynamic services markets, the Single Market will help deliver cheaper services and more choice for consumers."
The aim of the Services Passport is to give services providers legal certainty and clarity about the rules they have to comply with when they want to operate in another Member State. It will not change the number of applicable rules or reduce labour law or social protection requirements that service providers need to comply with. Both the home and the host Member State will have a role to play in controlling that their respective requirements are met.
#ServicesPassport #SingleMarket #EUHaveYourSay