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Key EU contribution to decent work at the 105th International Labour Conference

24 June 2016


Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was the guest of honour of this year's International Labour Conference, the supreme body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), that took place in Geneva over May-June 2016.

He made a vibrant pledge to social Europe, youth employment and social dialogue at the World of Work Summit.  Together with Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Marianne Thyssen, he praised the good EU-ILO cooperation, promoted labour rights worldwide, stressed the importance of ILO standards and highlighted the need to reflect on the future of work, as do the ILO in view of its Centenary in 2019 and the Commission through the consultation launched on a European pillar of social rights.

Supported by the work of Commission services, the EU Delegation in Geneva and the Council Presidency, the EU and its Member States made a key contribution to the  work and outcomes of the Conference. Comprehensive guidance on decent work in global supply chains could be adopted, which address due diligence, cross border social dialogue, trade, transparency, public procurement and international initiatives and provide an ambitious role for the ILO in this field. An informal Ministerial Meeting to which Commissioner Thyssen contributed, explored in addition how Occupational Safety can be promoted in global supply chains.

Evaluating the impact of the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for Fair Globalization also enabled to identify the role of the ILO in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the monitoring of progress towards decent work. Progress was made during a discussion on employment and decent work for the transition to peace in view of a Recommendation to be adopted in 2017 to improve the resilience of societies and affected populations following conflicts and disasters.

Further conclusions were drawn on the application of international labour standards for migrant workers and in 24 country cases which were considered as requiring specific attention.

See the ILO website for more information on the Conference and the EU Delegation page for EU statements to the ILO.