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Support to policy and international cooperation

14 October 2015


Call summary

Scene Setter

This call focuses on reinforcing European research infrastructures policy and international cooperation.

In addition to this call, development of policy and international cooperation are encouraged in any proposal where these activities appear relevant.

The e-infrastructures topic for 2016-2017 foresees support to the implementation and monitoring of the Open Research Data Pilot[[Further information on the Open Research Data Pilot is made available on the Participant Portal.]]. It will provide support for coordination of European, national and/or regional policies and programmes. International co-operation will promote the European leadership in the development of new e-infrastructure capacity on research data, high performance computing and networking, ensuring interoperation at global level. It will enable European communities to be linked with third countries, have access to unique research infrastructures and contribute to standardisation activities in international fora, aligning strategic developments and sharing best practices.

For grants awarded under this call, capitalised and operating costs of "large research infrastructures", as defined in the Article 6.2.D.4 of the Model Grant Agreement, are not eligible.