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Workshop on the Sustainable Circular Economy: New opportunities for raw materials, chemicals and water?

16 March 2016


The workshop 'The Sustainable Circular Economy: New opportunities for raw materials, chemicals and water' was co-organised by CEFIC, ERRIN and East and North Finland, and held in Brussels on 15 March 2016.

This workshop focused on sustainable circular economy, including the topic of sustainable chemicals.

In 2016/2017 the following actions will be taken by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG Growth) in support of more sustainable chemicals:

  • Launch of the European Chemicals Support Service (ECSS).
  • Adoption of a new Fertilisers Regulation that will promote nutrient recovery.
  • Support action for the substitution of chemicals substances of potential concern.
  • Mapping of standards in support of sustainable chemicals.
  • ECSS Phase 2 – with special emphasis on facilitating CO2 reuse .
  • Adoption of a new Plastic Strategy (together with DG ENV).

At the workshop, Mr Reinhard Büscher, Head of Unit at DG Growth 'Chemicals' presented his vision for more sustainable chemicals. He called for a pragmatic approach that is looking to promote the concepts of sustainability and circularity at all levels, taking into account that moving towards more sustainable chemicals will take time and happens in a competitive environment.

More information

Workshop agenda

Presentation (Mr Reinhard Büscher) (PDF)

Chemicals in the EU

Circular Economy in the EU