
24 Mediterranean region mayors sign Covenant of Mayors on climate change

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete held a high-level conference in Skhirat, Morocco, today to advance discussions and cooperation in the region ahead of a new global climate deal to be adopted in Paris in December. Scientists predict the multiple challenges of water scarcity, rising temperatures, frequent...

Palestine refugees: EU calls for donors to fill UNRWA funding gap

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has organised a visit to the UK for senior officials from the Revenue Service of Georgia as part of the EU-funded 'More for More' project. The visit took place last week, with the participation of the deputy head of the International Relations Department, Maka Khvedelidze. Officials from the UK...

EUROMED Invest: MED-FOODTECH roadshow brings partners together

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS More than one year since the exercise to develop EU Country Roadmaps for Engagement with Civil Society at country level was launched, more than 75 Roadmaps from across the world have been received – including a number from the EU Neighbourhood. For the Neighbourhood East the following Roadmaps have been published in a special section on the...

Launch of Euro-Mediterranean Energy Platforms

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS An 'Environmental Policy Toolkit for SME Greening', based on OECD analysis on SME-related policies and the extensive work of the EC on the implementation 2008 Small Business Act for Europe, has been published by the EU-funded EaP Green project. The Toolkit, available in English and Russian, has been prepared to help Eastern Partnership governments...

Strengthening dialogue between EU and Southern Mediterranean Civil Society: Second Forum held in Brussels

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has organised a visit to the UK for senior officials from the Revenue Service of Georgia as part of the EU-funded 'More for More' project. The visit took place last week, with the participation of the deputy head of the International Relations Department, Maka Khvedelidze. Officials from the UK...

ARLEM members to discuss European Neighbourhood Policy review with Commissioner Hahn

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS More than one year since the exercise to develop EU Country Roadmaps for Engagement with Civil Society at country level was launched, more than 75 Roadmaps from across the world have been received – including a number from the EU Neighbourhood. For the Neighbourhood East the following Roadmaps have been published in a special section on the...

UfM and Businessmed join forces to accelerate economic development in the Mediterranean

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (Businessmed) have signed an agreement to strengthen the private sector’s contribution to socio-economic development in the Mediterranean region. The agreement aims to support the development of the Mediterranean business...

UfM project: Improving quality of life through integrated water management

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS The achievements and challenges of civil society involvement in the Eastern Partnership, its role in the process of strengthening regional security, mechanisms for strengthening civil society, and future issues of EaP policy - these are among the questions to be addressed by hundreds of civil society representatives from EU and EaP countries as well as...

MEDREG holds General Assembly and takes part in World Forum on Energy Regulation

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has organised a visit to the UK for senior officials from the Revenue Service of Georgia as part of the EU-funded 'More for More' project. The visit took place last week, with the participation of the deputy head of the International Relations Department, Maka Khvedelidze. Officials from the UK...

Focus on CBCMed programme achievements at NextMed conference in Brussels

(From www.enpi-info.eu ) NEWS Representatives of more than 100 civil society organisations, academics, media, government representatives, local authorities and international organisations from the Southern Neighbourhood and Europe gathered in Brussels on 28-29 May for the second annual Southern Mediterranean Civil Society Forum. The Forum is part of an initiative aiming at...



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Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
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Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
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Il comportamento disumano della polizia #croata contro i… https://t.co/H0idZ2ORMp