
12 December 2016

Closing ceremony of the first European Vocational Skills Week

The closing ceremony of the first European Vocational Skills Week on Friday, 9 December 2016 gathered some 600 participants from Vocational Education and Training, business, social partners, chambers of commerce, civil society, think tanks, research bodie...
09 December 2016

Study on Transparency, Predictability and Efficiency of SSO-based Standardization and SEP Licensing

Published : Fri, 09 Dec 2016 In December 2016, the European Commission published a study assessing issues and solutions related to standard essential patents (SEPs) and the standardisation process.
01 December 2016

Composition and drivers of energy prices and costs: case studies in selected energy-intensive industries

Published : Thu, 01 Dec 2016 This study provides data on the composition, evolution and drivers of energy retail prices and costs faced by industrial operators in 5 energy-intensive industry sectors over the period 2008-2015. It is based on...



How EURES can help you find a job in Europe
EURES helps Pere begin a new career abroad
“The best choice”: Giorgio reflects on his EURES experience
How to stand out in an online job interview
My EURES story: Javier Cordero


gesperrt123#Deutschland2020 #Europa2020 https://t.co/nZr0Z7MVGM
Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
Leggete qui >> https://t.co/ocApsthzZI
. .… https://t.co/NuF2BJupNn
Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
Leggete qui >> https://t.co/gxRXrkO7Ce
. .… https://t.co/xUdhlP7rPr
Do666999@Muze211 @frenkie4allll Zomer is hoogseizoen, maar heel het jaar gaat het door! Begin echt een hekel aan de zomer t… https://t.co/1oNbN1p7Ib
roby800La #pandemia che non andrà mai via ecco il vero #virus

Il comportamento disumano della polizia #croata contro i… https://t.co/H0idZ2ORMp