
12 October 2015

OPEN DAYS 2015 – 13th European week of regions and cities

The OPEN DAYS is an annual Brussels-based four-day event during which officials from regions and cities’ administrations, as well as experts and academics, can exchange good practices and know-how in the field of regional and urban development. It is also...
10 October 2015

Conference on innovation in food

Innovation & technology is one of the main drivers that will determine the future of the global food chain. The Directorate General for health and food safety of the European Commission organises a conference on innovation in food to recognise the challen...
09 October 2015

Monitoring agriculture for market management and food security

At this one-day conference, the Joint research centre (JRC) will give an overview of its activities in agricultural and agro-environmental monitoring, yield forecasting and early warning, deforestation and land use/land cover monitoring. While presentatio...



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gesperrt123#Deutschland2020 #Europa2020 https://t.co/nZr0Z7MVGM
Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
Leggete qui >> https://t.co/ocApsthzZI
. .… https://t.co/NuF2BJupNn
Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
Leggete qui >> https://t.co/gxRXrkO7Ce
. .… https://t.co/xUdhlP7rPr
Do666999@Muze211 @frenkie4allll Zomer is hoogseizoen, maar heel het jaar gaat het door! Begin echt een hekel aan de zomer t… https://t.co/1oNbN1p7Ib
roby800La #pandemia che non andrà mai via ecco il vero #virus

Il comportamento disumano della polizia #croata contro i… https://t.co/H0idZ2ORMp