
feed article

30 September 2015

Online survey for the validation the Study on Cumulative Costs Assessment

Published : Wed, 30 Sep 2015 DG GROW is conducting a study on the Cumulative Cost Assessment for the EU chemical industry, and invites European companies operating in the chemical sector to share their experience of cost effects of EU legis...
06 October 2015

Life cycle assessment for ‘feeding the planet, energy for life’

The Joint research centre (JRC) and the Italian LCA Network are organising a three-day scientific conference on Life cycle assessment (LCA) and food, to discuss the role of LCA and present the latest research on the EXPO2015 topics.
30 July 2015

Study published on EU Needs with regard to cooperation with Greenland in the area of raw materials

Published : Fri, 31 Jul 2015 In June 2012, the European Union and Greenland agreed to cooperate in the area of raw materials supply. A study was therefore commissioned to provide the European Commission with the information required to adeq...
