
05 August 2015

Conference: Which policies stimulate demand for innovation in times of budgetary consolidation?

Published : Thu, 06 Aug 2015 Event: 17/11 > 17/11/2015 @ The Hotel Ten years ago, the Aho report put innovation-friendly markets at the centre of policies for an innovative Europe. Where are we now? Are Aho's report recommendations still ...
04 August 2015

European Sustainable Chemicals Support Service - Call for Tender (EASME/COSME)

Published : Wed, 05 Aug 2015 Through this call for tender, the European Commission aims to establish the 'European Sustainable Chemicals Support Service', to provide advisory support services to six 'Model Demonstrator Regions'.
30 July 2015

Study published on EU Needs with regard to cooperation with Greenland in the area of raw materials

Published : Fri, 31 Jul 2015 In June 2012, the European Union and Greenland agreed to cooperate in the area of raw materials supply. A study was therefore commissioned to provide the European Commission with the information required to adeq...
