
09 March 2016

More flexibility for service contracts on health & social issues and education

Published : Wed, 09 Mar 2016 Social, health and education services play an important role in social protection, health care and education, but different cultural traditions mean that such services are organised very differently from one cou...
09 March 2016

More flexibility for service contracts on health and social issues, and education

Published : Wed, 09 Mar 2016 Social, health and education services play an important role in social protection, health care and education, but different cultural traditions mean that such services are organised very differently from one cou...
09 March 2016

Commission launches 24 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships to boost SME internationalisation

Published : Wed, 09 Mar 2016 The European Commission has selected 24 ‘European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International’ as a result of the COSME call ‘Cluster Go International’.
08 March 2016

Access to Finance Day and COSME Workshop in Belgrade

Published : Tue, 08 Mar 2016 The TAIEX Access to Finance Day and the COSME Workshop is taking place on 8 and 9 March 2016 in Belgrade. The event is organised by the European Commission and the Ministry of Economy of Serbia.
