
29 July 2015

Validation Workshop for Study on the Cumulative Cost Assessment for the EU Chemical Industry

Published : Thu, 30 Jul 2015 Event: 21/09 > 21/09/2015 @ Borschette Conference Centre Validation Workshop for Study on the Cumulative Cost Assessment for the EU Chemical Industry - 21 September 2015 (9:30-17:00) Background DG Growth is co...
28 July 2015

Update: Drawing up an IP strategy for creative industries in China

Published : Wed, 29 Jul 2015 European businesses are sometimes reluctant to enter the China market and build relationships with Chinese partners because of the risk of the infringement of creative ideas and designs. This new China ...
28 July 2015

The top five problems for EU SMEs in China - exclusive tips from our IP Expert

Published : Wed, 29 Jul 2015 China IP Business Advisor, Reinout van Malenstein, has been living and practicing IP law in China for several years. In this China IPR SME Helpdesk blog post he discusses the top five problems that EU S...
28 July 2015

Accounting for small enterprises - Recommendations and good practices

Published : Wed, 29 Jul 2015 A project to analyse the various accounting systems applied in EU countries in the case of non-regulation at EU level was commissioned due to the importance of appropriate accounting information for owners and m...
24 July 2015

Call for expressions of interest for the selection of experts for the stakeholder group of the "REFIT PLATFORM"

Published : Fri, 24 Jul 2015 Tue, 01 Sep 2015 The Commission calls for expressions of interest for membership in the newly created REFIT platform which will advise the Commission on initiatives to reduce regulatory burdens of EU law. The...
22 July 2015

European Fund for Strategic Investments adds firepower to COSME funding for SMEs

Published : Wed, 22 Jul 2015 The European Commission has put the final measures in place to kick-start investment in the real economy. A package agreed today will ensure that the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) is up...
