Civil society

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UfM project: Improving quality of life through integrated water management

(From ) NEWS The achievements and challenges of civil society involvement in the Eastern Partnership, its role in the process of strengthening regional security, mechanisms for strengthening civil society, and future issues of EaP policy - these are among the questions to be addressed by hundreds of civil society representatives from EU and EaP countries as well as...

Med Culture: open call for capacity development experts in the field of culture

(From ) NEWS The achievements and challenges of civil society involvement in the Eastern Partnership, its role in the process of strengthening regional security, mechanisms for strengthening civil society, and future issues of EaP policy - these are among the questions to be addressed by hundreds of civil society representatives from EU and EaP countries as well as...

Mediterranean Energy Regulators’ Association: annual report highlights achievements in 2014

(From ) NEWS The achievements and challenges of civil society involvement in the Eastern Partnership, its role in the process of strengthening regional security, mechanisms for strengthening civil society, and future issues of EaP policy - these are among the questions to be addressed by hundreds of civil society representatives from EU and EaP countries as well as...
16 April 2015

Consultation on the respect of intellectual property in public procurement procedures

Published : Thu, 16 Apr 2015 Tue, 07 Jul 2015 Policy field(s) Internal Market: public procurement, intellectual property. Target groups Public authorities carrying out public procurement; suppliers of goods and services to public authoriti...
