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03 March 2016

Innovation partnerships keep public services up to date

Published : Thu, 03 Mar 2016 We all want public services such as healthcare, education, fire fighting or waste management to be modern and well adapted to the changing needs of society. To encourage innovation in public administration, new ...
17 February 2016

#EUFishEcon: “cooperation, cooperation, cooperation”

“Economic Advice in Fisheries Management: a trilogue between Science, Administration and Stakeholders”, was the title of a conference organised recently by DG MARE of the European Commission, in collaboration with the European Association of Fisheries Eco...
10 February 2016

Business and practitioners workshop on financial opportunities and legislative barriers for the circular economy

Published : Wed, 10 Feb 2016 Event: 21/03/2016 @ Albert Borschette Congress Center (CCAB) This workshop is for business representatives who are engaged in, or will engage in, circular economy projects or business models.
08 February 2016

Workshop on EU funding opportunities for the fashion, textiles, and cultural and creative industries

Published : Mon, 08 Feb 2016 Event: 10/03/2016 @ Auditorium DG GROW This workshop is aimed at stakeholders in fashion, textiles, cultural and creative industries, to give a better understanding of funding opportunities under the European Fun...
29 February 2016

Competitiveness Council

The Competitiveness Council brings together ministers responsible for trade, economy, industry, research and innovation and space from all the EU member states. It deals with four policy areas: internal market, industry, research and innovation and space.
06 January 2016

Conference on Energy-Intensive Industries - 15 February 2016

Published : Wed, 06 Jan 2016 European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen and Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska are hosting a conference on energy-intensive industries (EII).
26 January 2016

Designing the path: a strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation

Challenges faced by agriculture and rural areas and the long-term character of research activities call for a strategic approach to research and innovation. The European Commission organises a large conference to discuss how such a strategic approach coul...
