Life cycle assessment for ‘feeding the planet, energy for life’
Life cycle assessment for ‘feeding the planet, energy for life’
The Joint research centre (JRC) and the Italian LCA Network are organising a three-day scientific conference on Life cycle assessment (LCA) and food, to discuss the role of LCA and present the latest research on the EXPO2015 topics.
The conference topics to be addressed include:
- LCA of food supply chains.
- LCA for a more efficient energy production and use.
- Life cycle sustainability assessment, social LCA and life cycle costing applied to food and energy sectors.
- Product environmental footprint in the food sector.
- Developments in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods (especially on land use, biotic resources, toxicity related impacts and water).
- Inefficiency, food loss and waste along the supply chain: strategies for reduction, industrial symbiosis, and energy recovery in the food sector.
- Behavioural/nutritional aspects that influence environmental impacts (e.g. dietary shift implication to environmental impacts) and use phase/consumption modelling.
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