Call for applications for membership in the High Level Group on Automotive Industry



The European Commission has launched a call for applications aiming to review the memberships of the High Level Group on Automotive Industry GEAR 2030.

By decision C(2015) 6943 of 19 October 2015, the European Commission has set up the High Level Group on Automotive Industry.

The group should help to develop recommendations to reinforce both the short-term and long-term competitiveness of the European automotive industry.

The High Level Group shall be composed of up to 25 members consisting of the national authorities and organisations in EU countries, and shall be chaired by a representative of the Commission.

This call for applications is opened for the selection of members other than national authorities responsible for the automotive sector at ministerial level.

Members of the HLG shall be selected among:

(a)  EU umbrella associations and federations from the automotive industrial value chain representing different level of the automotive value chain (manufacturers, OEMs, suppliers, retailers and repair and maintenance providers) (b) trade unions (c) civil society organisations (non-governmental organisations and consumers associations) (d) ICT associations, network operators  and digital services associations active in the field of connected vehicles and/or autonomous vehicles (e) academia

Interested organisations are askedto submit their application to the European Commission no later than 20 November 2015.

The motivation letter together with the application form must be sent to the following e-mail address:

For detailed information on the practical aspects of the High Level Group, including application requirements and selection criteria, please consult the call document.