A second chance for entrepreneurs: from failure to success


(From ec.europa.eu)

The life of an enterprise isn't always rosy; we tend to forget that some entrepreneurs may not be initially successful and their businesses may face serious problems or even collapse. At the same time, learning from mistakes and negative experiences can help make people better entrepreneurs and succeed in the future.

For this reason, the Directorate-General for SME Policy of the Belgian Federal Public Service for Economy is organising the "A second chance for entrepreneurs: from failure to success" seminar in collaboration with the Belgian regions. This event will be attended by the Federal Minister for the Middle Class, the Self-Employed and SMEs, Willy Borsus, and by the regional Ministers, or their representatives, in charge of Economy, Philippe Muyters, Jean-Claude Marcourt and Didier Gosuin. The seminar will take place on 12 May 2016 in Brussels and is part of the Single Market Forum set up by the European Commission.

The seminar will feature in-depth discussions on the challenges and policy concerning a “second chance for entrepreneurs".

After taking stock of existing measures, the floor will be handed over to a number of entrepreneurs and competent bodies during three workshops, where the aim will be to share experiences, difficulties, opinions and advice. Each workshop will address one of a company’s possible life stages (creation, failure/bankruptcy, second chance).

The findings of these workshops will be presented and explained at a plenary session at the end of the seminar. After the seminar, a report for the European Commission will be drawn up and presented at the Single Market Forum Conference on 13 June 2016 in the Netherlands.