Operational restrictions in the retail sector


(From ec.europa.eu)

The objective of this study is to identify, map and describe retail-specific operational restrictions (including ones related to e-commerce) in the 28 EU countries at national, and where relevant, regional level.

The Single Market Strategy adopted in October 2015 proposes actions to address the remaining obstacles to a better functioning Internal Market in services. For the retail sector, it proposes that “the Commission will set out best practices for facilitating retail establishment and reducing operational restrictions in the Single Market. These will provide guidance for Member State reforms and priority-setting for enforcement policy in the retail sector.”

Retail establishment has already been covered by a peer review, a dedicated legal study and internal economic analysis. Details can be found in the Staff Working Document that accompanies the Communication on the Single Market Strategy.

The objective of this study is to identify, map and describe operational restrictions in the retail sector (including ones related to e-commerce) in all 28 EU countries at national and where relevant, regional level, paying particular attention to the quantifiable aspect of these restrictions.

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