Legal review on industrial design protection in Europe
This study was commissioned in the framework of an evaluation of the overall functioning of the design protection systems in Europe.
The Legal review on design protection in Europe examines whether harmonisation has facilitated the system of design protection in the Internal Market.
It assesses the dual system of design protection at both national and EU level, and evaluates its contribution to the Innovation Union.
It also considers whether the current legal framework requires updating in light of the technological advances and the modern requirements of users.
The study analyses the need for further harmonisation within and beyond the scope of the current Design Directive.
The review was presented by an external contractor in May 2016.
As part of the evaluation of the functioning of design protections systems, an Economic Review of Industrial Design in Europe was presented at the beginning of 2015.
The conclusions of both the legal and economic reviews will feed into the overall evaluation of design protection in the EU.
The information and views set out in this study are those of the authors. They do not reflect the official opinion of the Commission and are not binding upon the Commission.