Operational restrictions in the retail sector


(From ec.europa.eu)

The European Commission is launching a study to help retailers by mapping operational restrictions in the Single Market.

The Single Market Strategy (SMS) adopted in October 2015 proposes actions addressing remaining obstacles to a better functioning internal market in services, including retail services.

For the retail sector, it proposes that “the Commission will set out best practices for facilitating retail establishment and reducing operational restrictions in the Single Market. These will provide guidance for EU country reforms and priority-setting for enforcement policy in the retail sector”.

The study that will be based on these terms of reference forms part of the fact-finding and evidence gathering exercise to ensure implementation of this specific action.

The objectives of this study are to:

  • identify, map, describe and rank the most problematic operational restrictions faced by retailers in the EU Member States and Norway (hereinafter referred as "the countries covered").
  • develop a methodology to measure the burden that regulation compliance procedures put in place by the countries covered represent for retailers in their day to day operations. Based on such methodology, assess the administrative burden in the different countries covered.

How to apply

Please note that all tendering documents are published through the Commission-wide platform,eTendering. 

The documents will always be visible and downloadable but if you register to the call by adding your email address and a password, you will be able to ask questions and you will be automatically informed about all changes that may be published (e.g. additional documents and answers to questions).

See all tender documents.

The deadline for submission is 16 September 2016.