Call summary and aims
The aviation industry is being transformed by digitalisation with increasing automation and exchange of data amongst all parts of the Aviation value chain.
SESAR 2020 Wave 2 has to mark a first significant step for the key European aviation stakeholders who must work together to ensure that the digital transformation of aviation does not become fragmented and pursue game changing ideas to meet the objectives of the EU’s Single European Sky and Aviation Strategy.
This call for proposals is restricted to the Members of the SJU in accordance with the SJU Regulation 219/2007, amended by 721/2014 where explicit reference is made for the SJU to carry out the task of awarding grants to its Members. The Members of the SJU are listed in ADB decision ref. ADB(D)02-2016 dated 9th March 2016 and signed SJU Membership Agreement ref. SJU/LC/307-CTR.
Please be aware that a Budget Amendment process similar to the one applicable to the Call H2020-SESAR-2015-2 (WAVE 1) is being considered for application.