Sustainable Growth

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ARLEM members to discuss European Neighbourhood Policy review with Commissioner Hahn

(From ) NEWS More than one year since the exercise to develop EU Country Roadmaps for Engagement with Civil Society at country level was launched, more than 75 Roadmaps from across the world have been received – including a number from the EU Neighbourhood. For the Neighbourhood East the following Roadmaps have been published in a special section on the...

Egypt: EU project holds first workshop to help municipalities implement sustainable energy policies

(From ) NEWS A Workshop on sustainable energy needs assessment with an introduction to the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) and the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) approach was held by the EU-funded Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities (CES-MED) project in the Egyptian cities of Hurghada on 19 May and Luxor on 21 May. During these workshops, the...
23 April 2015

Modernisation of social protection systems: Stocktaking report on Member States progress on social investment reforms

A report commissioned by the European Commission to the European Social Policy Network of independent experts published today shows that Member States have made progress in implementing reforms toward social investment but there still a lot to be done for...
15 April 2015

Looking beyond 2015 for decent work and in the global fight against poverty

The European Commission is fully committed to the process of adopting a post-2015 development agenda, which is currently driven by the United Nations to set the main goals and targets for the next 15 years.
27 May 2015

First meeting of the High Level Expert Group on energy-intensive industries

Published : Wed, 27 May 2015 The first meeting of the High Level Group (HLG) on energy-intensive industries will take place today. Discussions will focus on the reform of the Energy Trading System (ETS). Other topics, such as Energ...

Egypt: Mine-Clearance of nearly 95,000 acres in the North West Coast area

(From ) NEWS A pilot project is being conducted in Armenia by the EU-funded Clima East Project, with the aim of demonstrating climate change mitigation and adaptation benefits for local communities. Thanks to the project, 18,500 seedlings, adapted to local conditions, were planted on a pilot afforestation site (18.2 ha) this spring in the Tsovak community of Gegharkunik...
