
07 December 2015

Reforms in Danish unemployment insurance schemes and the Dutch Social Housing System

Two new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social policy Network (ESPN) are now available and provide information on reforms in the Danish unemployment insurance scheme and the Dutch Social Housing reform in light of the refugee crisis.
07 December 2015

Public consultation on the evaluation and modernisation of the IPR enforcement framework

Published : Mon, 07 Dec 2015 Today the European Commission launched a public consultation seeking stakeholder views on whether the rules for the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) are still fit for purpose.
07 December 2015

Launch of the Covenant on demographic change

The Covenant on demographic change will be launched on 7 December 2015, with the support of the European Commission and the EU funded AFE-INNOVNET Thematic Network. It aims at engaging local and regional authorities, and other relevant stakeholders, commi...
07 December 2015

Conference of maritime spatial planning and marine environment

The European Commission is organising a conference on maritime spatial planning (MSP) as a tool to address challenges and develop opportunities in maritime economic activities and environmental protection, in the context of growing and competing uses of m...
04 December 2015

Expanding business start-up support for disadvantaged groups can tackle unemployment and social exclusion, report said

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and European Commission have published The Missing Entrepreneurs 2015, which examines the potential of inclusive entrepreneurship policies and programmes in the European Union. Target group...
Demographics and the economy: how a declining working-age population may change Europe's growth prospects
03 December 2015

Demographics and the economy: how a declining working-age population may change Europe's growth prospects

According to Eurostat's demographic projections, Europe's working age population (aged between 20 and 64 years) will be declining by 0.4% every year between now and 2040, a decline that has already started in 2010. This will have major implications for th...



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Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
Leggete qui >> https://t.co/ocApsthzZI
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Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
Leggete qui >> https://t.co/gxRXrkO7Ce
. .… https://t.co/xUdhlP7rPr
Do666999@Muze211 @frenkie4allll Zomer is hoogseizoen, maar heel het jaar gaat het door! Begin echt een hekel aan de zomer t… https://t.co/1oNbN1p7Ib
roby800La #pandemia che non andrà mai via ecco il vero #virus

Il comportamento disumano della polizia #croata contro i… https://t.co/H0idZ2ORMp