Smart Growth

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08 October 2015

2nd conference on European reference networks

DG Health and Food Safety is organising the second conference on European reference networks, which will bring together highly specialised healthcare providers, experts, national authorities, decision-makers, and independent bodies with experience in the ...
07 September 2015

Worth its weight in gold: the transeuropean initiative boosting innovation

Published : Mon, 07 Sep 2015 Boosting innovation and competitiveness through unprecedented transeuropean parternerships is the business of the Worth Project. Business Planet went to the French Fashion Institute to learn more about ...
06 October 2015

EU brokerage event on key enabling technologies in Horizon 2020

This event dedicated to key enabling technologies (KETs) will target upcoming calls for nanotechnologies and advanced materials, biotechnologies, advanced manufacturing and processing (including energy efficiency in buildings - PPP EeB), factories of the ...
22 September 2015

Conference: EU budget focused on results

In this first of a series of annual conferences on an EU budget focused on results, politicians and experts on public funding will discuss this issue. Vice-President Kristalina Georgieva has invited Commission colleagues, representatives from EU Member St...
