
10 November 2015

Workshop: Energy efficiency policies, financing and energy service companies (ESCOs)

Energy efficiency is a key priority to reduce energy consumption. In many countries there is an increased need of technical assistance for developing the right energy efficiency strategic planning and policy implementation.
10 November 2015

COSME workshop and Access to Finance Day in Skopje

Published : Tue, 10 Nov 2015 The European Commission and the Ministry of Economy of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are organising a COSME Workshop and Access to Finance Day on 10 to 11 November 2015 in Skopje.
09 November 2015


The Eurogroup, composed of the Member States whose currency is the euro, meets normally the day before the Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting and deals with issues relating to the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
05 November 2015

Workshop with the space industry on access to finance

Published : Thu, 05 Nov 2015 Event: 24/11 > 24/11/2015 @ DG GROW Auditorium, Breydel Building The European Commission is organising a "Workshop with the Space Industry on Access to Finance: European Fund for Strategic Investments, COSME a...
04 November 2015

EU and Australia sign Earth observation cooperation arrangement

Published : Wed, 04 Nov 2015 Access to vital satellite data for Australia, South East Asia and the South Pacific has been guaranteed through the signing of a cooperation arrangement in Brussels today.
04 November 2015

Open for registration: High-level conference on the digital transformation of industries and enterprises

Published : Wed, 04 Nov 2015 Event: 02/12/2015 @ The Egg Bringing together over 25 high-level speakers and 200 participants, this conference on 2 December in Brussels aims to convene leading business people, academics, and politicia...
