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Call for proposals on counter-terrorism

10 October 2018


Call summary and aims

Counter Terrorism will remain one of the priorities in 2018. In October 2017, the Commission presented a Counter-Terrorism Package comprising of a set of operational and practical measures to better defend EU citizens against terrorist threats, increase resilience of society and infrastructures and deliver a Europe that protects. These measures support Member States in protecting public spaces and help deprive terrorists of the means to act, including cutting off sources of terrorist financing and access to explosives precursors.

The prevention of radicalisation remains at the core of the EU's counter terrorism policies. With its Communication adopted in June 2016, the Commission has taken a holistic approach to address this phenomenon, outlining actions in seven areas where cooperation at EU level can support Member States in preventing and countering radicalisation. In July 2017, the Commission established a High-Level Expert Group on Radicalisation (HLCEG-R), which, in December, has presented an interim report with a set of recommendations for further work in this area. In 2018, the Commission will further step up its support to prevent and counter radicalisation all levels, taking into account and implementing the recommendations formulated by the HLCEG-R, including through the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN). To counter radicalisation online, the Commission will continue working with internet platforms in the framework of the EU Internet Forum to address terrorists' exploitation of the internet and protect online users, while also exploring possible additional measures.

Work will also continue to counter terrorist financing, in line with the 2016 Action Plan to step up the fight against the financing of terrorism.

Accordingly, four open calls to tackle challenges in the area of counter terrorism are foreseen.