Contribute to the performance monitoring and the mid-term evaluation of the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)
Participate in our Stakeholder Survey 2017 and contribute to the performance monitoring of the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI).
Performance monitoring survey
All individuals, organisations and institutions that follow policy debate in the field of employment and social affairs, as well as those involved in the national and EU policy formulation or implementation are invited to share their opinion.
The EaSI programme is committed to results-based management, which involves the continuous measurement of the programme’s progress towards its objectives, as well as reporting and taking action to fine-tune the programme so as to improve its performance.
This process relies on a variety of monitoring and information sources, including this survey of those who follow and/or participate in policy debate at the EU or national levels in the policy areas concerned by the EaSI programme.
You can contribute to this performance monitoring process by filling out an online questionnaire by 6 February 2017. It is available in English, French and German and should only take around 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are strictly confidential and will not be leaked to anyone.
Mid-term evaluation survey
The EaSI programme is also subject to a mid-term evaluation to assess the:
- the relevance,
- effectiveness,
- efficiency,
- coherence
- European added value
of the projects implemented under this programme, both against its objectives and the overarching social and employment goals. Your input is very important to capture information that is valuable, not only for the evaluation of the programme but also for the future development of EaSI.
You can contribute contribute to the mid-term evaluation process by filling out an outline questionnaire by 10 February 2017. Your responses are strictly confidential.
The Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020 is a European-level financing instrument to promote
- a high level of quality and sustainable employment,
- adequate and decent social protection,
- combat social exclusion and poverty
- improve working conditions.
EaSI is structured around three axes; it supports:
- the modernisation of policies and legislation in the areas of employment, social protection & social inclusion and working conditions with the PROGRESS axis (61% of the total budget);
- job mobility with the EURES axis (18% of the total budget);
- access to micro-finance and social entrepreneurship with the Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship axis (21% of the total budget).