Online info-day for Sector Skills Alliances call (including the Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills)
The call for proposals for Sectoral Skills Alliances is now open and we will hold an online info-day on 16 February 2017. Lot 3 of the call is open to sectors who have been chosen to pilot the Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills.
The info-day will take place in the afternoon of 16 February 2017 to explain the funding opportunities available under Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices - Sector Skills Alliances (SSA).
This info-day will focus on:
- Sector Skills Alliances for Skills needs identification (Lot 1).
- Sector Skills Alliances for Design and delivery of VET (Lot 2).
- Sector Skills Alliances for Implementing a new strategic approach a 'Blueprint' for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (Lot 3).
The detailed agenda will be published soon.
The call (EACEA 04/2017) and all related documents are now available.
Lot 3 is open only to 6 sectors: automotive; defence; maritime technology; space (geo-information); textile, clothing, leather and footwear; and tourism. These are the sectors which have been chosen to pilot the Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills.
Submission of applications and financial issues
You can ask questions via the online chat available during the event.
It will only be possible to follow the event online via our live web streaming. Access details will be published soon. A recording of the event and the presentations given will be made available afterwards.
Please note that the SSA Partner search database will be available in the coming days.