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Workshop on socio-economic analysis in applications for authorisation and restrictions under REACH

10 May 2016


Event date: 29/06 > 29/06/2016
Location: Auditorium, Breydel building

Brussels -

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The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the European Commission (Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and Directorate-General for Environment) is organising a workshop on socio-economic analysis in applications for authorisation and restrictions under REACH on 29 June 2016.

This event aims to clarify the role of socio-economic analysis (SEA) under REACH. Key topics to discuss are:

  • what SEA does and what it does not do
  • why SEA is needed
  • what is possible and meaningful to carry out as part of SEA
  • how the opinions of SEAC are derived in practice
  • how SEA is used in decision-making
  • how best to communicate SEA-related issues and conclusions to stakeholders.

The workshop material will be made public on ECHA's and the Commission's websites.

Due to a limited number of seats in the meeting room, the event can be attended only by invited persons. It is targeted to Member States, the European Parliament and stakeholders. Should you wish to participate, please make a request by 2 June 2016.

More information, programme and participation