
feed article

17 February 2016

#EUFishEcon: “cooperation, cooperation, cooperation”

“Economic Advice in Fisheries Management: a trilogue between Science, Administration and Stakeholders”, was the title of a conference organised recently by DG MARE of the European Commission, in collaboration with the European Association of Fisheries Eco...
09 December 2015

Transatlantic cluster cooperation kicks off with fruitful U.S. - EU exchange

Published : Wed, 09 Dec 2015 From 17 to 19 November 2015, 77 national and regional cluster policy-makers, experts and researchers from both the United States and the European Union gathered in Boston and Washington for a workshop t...
30 November 2015

"Implementing CLLD across the ESI Funds": Edinburgh, UK - 8-10 December 2015.

This first FARNET transnational seminar of the new programming period will help to support the Managing Authorities (MAs) of the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds in implementing the CLLD approach, and to foster cooperation to ensure the most...
21 October 2015

Call for proposals: Erasmus+ 2016 - relevant to defence-related sectors in addressing skills shortages

Published : Wed, 21 Oct 2015 Fri, 26 Feb 2016 Public or private bodies active in the fields of education and training can apply for funding to carry out actions addressing skills needs and skills gaps relevant for defence, through Sector S...
29 October 2015

Atlantic stakeholder platform conference

As part of the implementation of the Atlantic action plan, the European Commission invites stakeholders to share their practical knowledge and ideas at the Atlantic stakeholder platform conference. The stakeholder platform is an annual event and the centr...
