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09 June 2015

Study on the review of the list of critical raw materials

Published : Tue, 09 Jun 2015 Fri, 04 Sep 2015 The Commission has issued a new call for tender for a study to help identify and plan for critical raw materials, in 2017. Raw materials are fundamental to Europe's economy and essential for ma...

Focus on CBCMed programme achievements at NextMed conference in Brussels

(From ) NEWS Representatives of more than 100 civil society organisations, academics, media, government representatives, local authorities and international organisations from the Southern Neighbourhood and Europe gathered in Brussels on 28-29 May for the second annual Southern Mediterranean Civil Society Forum. The Forum is part of an initiative aiming at...

Launch of Euro-Mediterranean Energy Platforms

(From ) NEWS An 'Environmental Policy Toolkit for SME Greening', based on OECD analysis on SME-related policies and the extensive work of the EC on the implementation 2008 Small Business Act for Europe, has been published by the EU-funded EaP Green project. The Toolkit, available in English and Russian, has been prepared to help Eastern Partnership governments...
