
28 January 2016

Highlighting progress and shortcomings in 14 countries benefiting from privileged EU market access

The European Commission and the EU High Representativepublished today the first report on the concrete effects of the GSP+, the EU trade policy instrument devised to encourage third countries to comply with core international standards in the areas of hum...
27 January 2016

Written Statement Directive survey: Have your say on EU law regarding information on work conditions

The Commission is carrying out an evaluation of Directive 91/533/EEC on an employer's obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship - the so-called "Written Statement Directive".
27 January 2016

First orientation debate on the European Pillar of Social Rights

Today the College of Commissioners held a first orientation debate on establishing a European Pillar of Social Rights. It should be a self-standing reference document, of a legal nature, setting out key principles and values shared at EU level.
27 January 2016

Coreper II

The Permanent Representatives Committee or "Coreper" (Article 207 of the Treaty establishing the European Community) is responsible for preparing the work of the Council of the European Union. It consists of the Member States' ambassadors to the European ...
