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26 April 2018

Peer review on 'Work-capacity assessment and employment of persons with disabilities', Riga, Latvia, 26-27 April 2018

The peer review will be hosted by the Latvian Ministry of Welfare and discuss approaches for assessing and establishing work-capacity or disability, measures to improve labour market integration of persons with disabilities and the role of labour market i...
11 January 2018

Peer Review on 'Germany’s latest reforms of the long-term care system', Berlin, Germany, 11-12 January 2018

Increased longevity, medical advances, shrinking working-age population and changing family patterns mean that Member States of the European Union, while diverse, face a common challenge of growing needs for long-term care. Improving access to quality and...
12 December 2017

Peer Review on ‘Social entrepreneurship to tackle unmet social challenges’, Oslo, Norway, 12 and 13 December 2017

In Norway, the growth of social entrepreneurship and social innovation has primarily been driven by individuals, enterprises and investors. Political interest in the field was demonstrated in 2011 with the establishment of a grant for social entrepreneurs...
19 February 2016

Peer Review on 'Labour market inclusion of international protection applicants and beneficiaries', Madrid, Spain, 23-24 May 2016

The current refugee crisis is stressing the mechanisms in European countries to deal with asylum requests and general migration on economic grounds. This Peer Review will present the specific Spanish experience on labour integration of applicants and bene...
19 February 2016

Peer Review on the 'French Youth Guarantee measure' (‘Garantie Jeunes’, an experimental scheme), Paris, France, 7-8 April 2016

This Peer Review will present the specific experimental measure “Garantie Jeunes” in their youth guarantee (“Garantie Jeunesse”) context. This experimental measure targets the most vulnerable NEETS (young people not in employment, education or training) a...
11 February 2016

Peer Review in the Netherlands: Social community teams against poverty

The Dutch government’s declared aim is to move from a welfare state to a “participation society” built on citizens’ self-reliance and networking. Large parts of the social security system have been devolved to the municipalities, which are expected to fol...