
08 May 2015

Progress Report on the implementation of the EU Defence Communication

Published : Fri, 08 May 2015 The European Commission has published a Progress Report that outlines the developments regarding the implementation of the Defence Communication since the Roadmap was adopted last year.
07 May 2015

Innovation Union Scoreboard 2015: Unleash innovation to spur growth in Europe

Published : Thu, 07 May 2015 Improving Europe's capacity to innovate and be globally competitive requires further efforts to encourage disruptive ideas and foster their commercial up-take. These are some of the conclusions to be dr...
06 May 2015

Circular Economy Conference - Less waste, more business…your views matter!

Published : Wed, 06 May 2015 Event: 25/06 > 25/06/2015 @ Charlemagne building Save the date! As part of the process to develop a more ambitious Circular Economy Package, the Commission is organizing a Circular Economy Conference in Brusse...
06 May 2015

Call for proposals: Supporting the production of design-based consumer goods

Published : Wed, 06 May 2015 Thu, 23 Jul 2015 This Call, offering support to design-based consumer goods projects, aims to shorten the time-to-market of innovative solutions, remove obstacles to wider application of creative solutions, cre...
06 May 2015

CLOSING THE LOOP - Circular Economy: boosting business, reducing waste

Published : Wed, 06 May 2015 Event: 25/06 > 25/06/2015 @ Charlemagne building Save the date! As part of the process to develop a more ambitious Circular Economy Package, the Commission is organizing a Circular Economy Conference in Brusse...
05 May 2015

EURES’ advice results in photographer’s exhibition

(From ec.europa.eu ) The creative and cultural sector accounts for 4.2% of EU's GDP and employs around seven million people, mainly in small businesses, according to a report published in 2014 . But the need for someone's creative or artistic work is not as evident as it is within other sectors, recruitment does not follow the same pattern. So EURES advisors need to take a different approach when it comes to matching artists with opportunities. When the Stunning Staircases exhibition opened on 18 March one of the keenest visitors was EURES adviser Pieter van der Valk, who is based at Utrecht...



How EURES can help you find a job in Europe
EURES helps Pere begin a new career abroad
“The best choice”: Giorgio reflects on his EURES experience
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gesperrt123#Deutschland2020 #Europa2020 https://t.co/nZr0Z7MVGM
Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
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Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
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