
30 September 2016

Women Entrepreneurs get support with WEgate platform

Published : Fri, 30 Sep 2016 Today WEgate, the online platform for Women Entrepreneurs, is being launched. It’s the creation of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and EASME...
30 September 2016

Building skills and earth observation related expertise through Copernicus

Published : Fri, 30 Sep 2016 Wed, 26 Oct 2016 The objective of this call is to improve the take-up of Copernicus in EU countries by financing dedicated educational programmes and e-skills development based on Copernicus Space Component dat...
28 September 2016

Innovative public procurement can lower pressure on health budgets

Published : Wed, 28 Sep 2016 Most EU countries struggle with increasing healthcare costs. At the same time, patients are dealing with increasing contributions to health insurance systems. More efficient procurement of medical devices, medic...
28 September 2016

10 Finalists with ideas to help refugees and migrants selected in European Social Innovation Competition

Published : Wed, 28 Sep 2016 The 10 finalists for the 2016 European Social Innovation Competition have been named from a shortlist of 30 and a total number of over 1,000 applicants from 36 countries. They will compete for three €50,000 priz...
23 September 2016

Ionospheric Correction Algorithm for Galileo Single Frequency Users v1.2 released

Published : Fri, 23 Sep 2016 A new version of the Ionospheric Correction Algorithm for Galileo Single Frequency Users is available in the Programme Reference Documents section under the GSC Electronic Library.
21 September 2016

EU countries vote in favour of the European Commission’s proposal to harmonise hazard and safety information for use by Poison Centres

Published : Wed, 21 Sep 2016 Today, EU countries have voted in favour of a Commission proposal which will improve the availability of information on chemicals, needed in case of poisoning. This harmonisation will lead to better health prote...



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Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
Leggete qui >> https://t.co/ocApsthzZI
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Auto Europa 2021: ecco chi si contenderà il premio.
Leggete qui >> https://t.co/gxRXrkO7Ce
. .… https://t.co/xUdhlP7rPr
Do666999@Muze211 @frenkie4allll Zomer is hoogseizoen, maar heel het jaar gaat het door! Begin echt een hekel aan de zomer t… https://t.co/1oNbN1p7Ib
roby800La #pandemia che non andrà mai via ecco il vero #virus

Il comportamento disumano della polizia #croata contro i… https://t.co/H0idZ2ORMp