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FARNET Guide #11: Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas: six practical factsheets
12 August 2016

FARNET Guide #11: Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas: six practical factsheets

The Common Provisions Regulation lays out specific requirements for CLLD regarding planning, delivering, measuring and demonstrating the results of local development strategies. This guide is composed of six factsheets, including real-life examples, desig...
FARNET Guide #10: Starting CLLD implementation in practice
10 August 2016

FARNET Guide #10: Starting CLLD implementation in practice

As of the 2014-2020 programming period, the bottom-up methodology to local development can be funded by any of the European Structural and Investment Funds under its new name: Community-Led Local Development. As such, local development strategies may be i...
