Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies

25 May 2016

New e-commerce rules to help consumers and com­pa­nies reap full benefit of Single Market

Published : Wed, 25 May 2016 The European Commission today tabled a package of measures to allow consumers and companies to buy and sell products and services online more easily and confidently across the EU.
25 May 2016

New e-commerce rules to help consumers and companies reap full benefit of Single Market

Published : Wed, 25 May 2016 The European Commission today tabled a package of measures to allow consumers and companies to buy and sell products and services online more easily and confidently across the EU.
23 May 2016

Forum releases Blueprint for cities and regions as launch-pads for digital transformation

Published : Mon, 23 May 2016 Recognising the strategic role of cities and regions in leading modernisation and digital transformation, the Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship released its recommendations today during the 'Ope...
23 May 2016

Blueprint for cities and regions as launch pads for digital transformation

Published : Mon, 23 May 2016 Digital transformation doesn't only enable economic growth, but also the improvement of the quality of life for all citizens. This blueprint, prepared by the Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship, i...
06 May 2016

French LEADER LAG proposes cooperation with other inland aquaculture areas

La Dombes is a unique inland aquaculture area in France, the “region of 1000 lakes”, where tourism and the use of carp skin for leather offer opportunites to add value to local carp - and the area. The Dombes Saône LEADER LAG is looking to cooperate with ...
11 May 2016

Workshop on EU-funded innovation procurement in the healthcare sector

The European Commission (DG Connect) and the EPP eHealth project will be hosting a stakeholder workshop to explore how to make better use of EU funded innovation procurement in the healthcare sector.
